Welcome to Hemanta Misra's Website

Hemanta Misra was a renowned artist,painter & author of Assam

Echo of a Song

“…the mood is intensely poetic and refined in “Echo of a Song” with its lovely shades of blue and a breeze of warm colours.His absorbing visions draw their pictorial from the sea, sky, precipitous cliffs, dead trees and ruins—all conceived and depicted as one unified vision..”
—The Statesman, Calcutta, March 13, 1969.

The Harvest

“……Mr Misra’s pictures are alive and vital. He has a keen eye for the subject allied to a vigorous, and in his more recent works, experimental technique which may develop into a powerful mode of expression. He is a craftsman, as his preparation of plywood with gelatine and sand for the rough surface of “Harvest” proves—a picture which brings Van Gogh’s France to the fields of Shillong most successfully..”
The Statesman, Calcutta, November 30, 1952.